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Cavendish University Uganda hosts Distinguished Public Lecture by VP Cherian Mathew

VP Cherian Mathew delivered an educative and insightful lecture on Entrepreneurship to Cavendish University Staff and Students on Friday 25th October, 2019. His discussion was centred around the topic, “Entrepreneurship: The way to go!

Cherian Mathew is a V Partner for QNet and one of the most accomplished professionals in Network Marketing around the world. He has gained invaluable wisdom in life and in the art of success. Having achieved more than most people could only dream about, he now travels the world imparting knowledge and inspiration to anyone who wishes to follow in his footsteps.

During his presentation, he remarked that “The mindset structure of an entrepreneur consists of 5 elements namely;

  • Attitude
  • Commitment
  • Perseverance
  • Focus
  • Belief in self.

He further enlightened the audience that the biggest enemy of an entrepreneur along the journey is his or her mind. “The mind is never stable and hence the need for mentorship to establish control.” He challenged the attendees

At the end of the lecture, participants attested to a wonderful experience and declared their readiness to relentlessly pursue success.

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