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CUU Health Science Students Make Field Visits to Wastewater Treatment Plants in Uganda

As one of the routine practices to ensure practicum exposure to the Environmental Health Science and Public Health students at Cavendish University Uganda, a field visit was organised for them to visit National Water and Sewerage Cooperation (NWSC) Wastewater Treatment Plants on 22nd April, 2022.

One of the sites visited was the Bugolobi Wastewater Treatment Plant (BWTP) also known as Bugoloobi Sewerage Treatment Plant (BSTP) which is the largest wastewater treatment plant in Uganda, and is capable of processing 45,000,000 litres of wastewater daily. Students also visited the Ggaba Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Wastewater Treatment plants take care of the effluent from the Ugandan capital Kampala, thus reducing pollution of Lake Victoria.

Having taught students theoretically about Excreta management, Wastewater management and Safe Water Management, the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Alone Kimwise and his team of instructors thought it essential to match theory with practice.

This field study was aimed at demonstrating to students the processes involved in Waste Water Treatment (WWT), safe water treatment, storage and distribution.  The field visit also highlighted the challenges and possible solutions for the WWT plants, Occupational Health and Safety issues, and Applicable technologies on large and small scale in Municipalities and Town Councils, among others.

Students were accompanied by the Head of Department, Ms. Khawa Namajja and a lecturer at the Department, Mr. Ivan Mugumya. The activity also attracted Alumni who had finished their programme a year ago without having gone to these sites.

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