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Dean, Faculty of Business & Management attends Transformative Course at (LUSEM)- Lund University School of Economics & Management

Dr Faith Ahabyoona, the Dean of the Faculty of Business & Management at Cavendish University Uganda (CUU) and 18 others embarked on a journey from Africa to Lund to learn more about innovation, transformation and resilience for sustainable development.

When asked “Why come all this way? and what knowledge will you bring back?” Dr Ahabyoona said that her motivation for attending the course was three folded; to do a replica of the course back home, to deepen her innovation knowledge and to come back being a better facilitator for her students and a better mentor at her faculty.

“One of the core values in my work has been innovation and we lack curricula that is deliberate on introducing innovation studies but also the sustainability angle when looking at innovation, for building a sustainable economy for the country,” Faith said.

Dr Faith Ahabyoona explained that in light of this situation she wanted to set up a replica of this course back home, to address these questions, but once in Lund she noticed that the course gave much more than she expected:

“I understood that if we are going to create a curriculum with impact, it has to be done considering our history but also considering our future. To be taught by Bengt-Åke Lundvall on site, is really something to tell my colleagues back home!” Faith concluded.

About the course

  • Developed at Department of Economic history, agreed upon through LUCE, financed by SIDA.
  • In addition to Senior lecturer in Economic History Martin Andersson, PhD students Clara Dallaire-Fortier and Linn Ternsjö at the Department of Economic History were responsible for running the course.
  • About ten researchers, from LUSEM and other universities, gave lectures during the course.
  • Part of a project called African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Initiative.
  • Part of a major project run by the African Union Development Agency-New Partnership for Africa’s Development, AUDA-NEPAD.
  • Its target groups are middle managers, or high-ranking public sector employees, active in innovation policy and innovation management.
  • Will be held once a year over a four-year period.
  • Aims to strengthen the capacity to develop the use of indicators for research, technology and innovation in planning and policy-making at the national, regional and continental levels in Africa.

Read more about the four weeks course here;

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