Graduation in:



The current admission requirements to any higher education programme require at least two principal passes at the same sitting for degree programmes and one principal pass and two subsidiaries at the same sitting for a diploma programme.

Unfortunately, there is no remedial programme for candidates who qualify for UACE but have not scored sufficiently good grades to enrol for degree or diploma programmes. The only available option is to repeat Senior Six or enrol for Certificate programmes using the Uganda Certificate of Education.

  • This Higher Education Certificate in Humanities programme is intended to bridge this gap.
  • This programme is also intended to serve as a foundation programme for students whose foreign secondary school qualifications are not considered equivalent to UACE but permit admission into Higher Education in the foreign country.
  • There is a general belief that holders of vocational qualifications may be highly skilled but lack adequate theoretical foundations to join knowledge-based higher education programmes. The Higher Education Certificate, humanities programme is also intended to serve as retooling tool for holders of vocational qualifications to enable them cross over to Higher Education.

In general, the Higher Education Certificate in Humanities programme is intended for the following categories:

  • UACE Holders: The Higher Education Certificate in Humanities programme is intended for holders of the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education or equivalent qualifications but who may not have attained sufficient grades to enrol for Diplomas or Degree programmes in Uganda.
  • Foreign Qualification: The Higher Education Certificate in Humanities Programme can also serve as a bridging programme for students whose foreign secondary school qualifications are not considered equivalent to UACE but permit admission into Higher Education in the foreign country.
  • Linkage between the Vocational Qualifications and the Higher Education Qualifications. One of the challenges facing holders of vocational qualifications is the inability to cross to Higher Education at the same levels as those with school qualifications. For example, although an Enroled Nursing Certificate is equivalent to the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education, holders of the former can only join degree programme after two and a half years of an intermediate diploma in addition to years of experience while holders of UACE can enroll for degree programmes right away. This Higher Education Certificate in Humanities programme enables holders of vocational qualifications to undergo rigorous theoretical foundations that will enable them pursue desired higher education programmes at undergraduate degree level.

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