
Information Literacy Trainings

These trainings are carried out for registered library users especially staff and students and are aimed to supporting efficient and effective utilization of the library information resources. The trainings shall carried out during the orientation week but because few people attend, mid-semester trainings for individual classes will be carried out for the enhancement of learning and research.

Regulations For The Information Literacy Trainings

  • All staff and students are required to attend the literacy trainings organized by the library department.
  • These trainings should be geared towards imparting ideal skills for access, retrieval and use of library resources and for learning and quality research.

Procedures For The Information Literacy Trainings

  • User guides will be developed, designed and disseminated to the library users via e-mail, the library website and/or blog.
  • Prior arrangement for a training session between the lecturer/class representative and the library personnel in charge has to be done.
  • The training sessions will be interactive and hands on kind of tutoring.
  • Registration of all participants of the training will be done for proof that trainings are actually carried out.
  • Online surveys will be carried out every semester for evaluation and assessment of these trainings.
  • Reports will be written indicating whether or not the users have gained the necessary skills intended for them.
  • The mode of presentation for these trainings will include;
    • Use of PowerPoint presentations
    • Hands-on tutoring
    • One-on-one tutoring

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