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Leader of Opposition Hon. Betty Aol Ochan pays courtesy visit to Cavendish University Uganda

The Leader of Opposition (LOP) in Parliament, Hon. Betty Aol Ochan on 21st April 2021 paid a courtesy visit to Cavendish University Uganda (CUU).

The purpose for her visit was to assess the impact of COVID-19 on private institutions using CUU as the case study and to determine the interventions that the Government can extend to the affected private institutions.

Hon. Betty Aol was welcomed by the Vice Chancellor, Prof John Mugisha and the Executive Director, Mr. David Mutabanura.

Cavendish University Uganda is the first Private University the LOP has visited in her official capacity. The Honourable appreciated the University’s orientation of grooming Responsible, Educated, Employable, and Entrepreneurial Citizens (REEE) as these are important attributes in promoting entrepreneurship and jobs. She also appreciated the achievements of the Law Faculty and it’s practical teaching methods such as moot court training.

The meeting created an avenue for Cavendish University to explore areas of collaboration such as scholarships. Hon. Betty Aol Ochan was grateful to CUU for hosting her on such short notice.

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