Graduation in:



Lay the foundation for your degree with the Cavendish University Uganda diploma of your choice. Gain the subject-specific knowledge and skills to keep you a step ahead of your peers as you begin your journey to success.

Programmes Offered

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    Diploma in Parallegal Studies

    The demand for legal services in Uganda far exceeds the supply, and yet access to professional lawyers is often hindered by the high legal fees and the fact that most lawyers are concentrated in urban areas. Paralegals can help fill the current gap in the need for legal services and add value to other sectors where knowledge of the law would enhance performance.
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    Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology

    From Internet banking and online shopping, to communications and location-based services, businesses today are now investing in IT as a strategic enabler, relying on the Internet as a business platform.Be part of the innovative digital industry and solve complex problems with a Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology.

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    Diploma in Business Administration

    Be a leader, not a follower!

    This programme covers both the breadth and the inter-disciplinary aspect of business as a whole. It balances conceptual knowledge with an applied curriculum that is also suitable for vast positions in various industries such as Finance, Marketing, Human Resource and others.

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